LAC website launched

The LAC welcomes the launch of its new website.

The Legislation Advisory Committee has released its new website: link). The site is funded by the Parliamentary Counsel Office.

The site is an excellent resource for anyone involved and interested in the translation of policy into legislation and the drafting of Bills. While its primary audience is government lawyers and officials, it should also be of interest to the wider legal profession, any stakeholder in the development of legislation (such as those submitting to select committees), and members of Parliament.

The site contains:

  • Information on the LAC and its role.
  • The current LAC Guidelines on Process and Content of Legislation which can be browsed, searched and downloaded.
  • LAC submissions on government bills since 2005.
  • LAC seminar and conference papers since 2005.
  • Updates on LAC activity.
  • Contact information for officials wanting to ask the LAC for advice.

One of the LAC’s functions is to improve the quality of law-making. It achieves this by setting standards for good quality legislation in its Cabinet-endorsed guidelines. It also monitors legislative quality by reviewing government bills against the guidelines and, where necessary, submitting on them to select committees.

The LAC intends that the new website will assist it in its standard-setting role, and raise awareness of how and when it monitors legislation. The site should assist users to improve their understanding of and familiarity with the both the text and application of the guidelines, and the LAC’s work.


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